Categories: Clubs/Organizations, Senior, W
952 S. Maine St
Fallon, NV 89406 US
(775) 423-7096 (Main)
(775) 423-9696 (Fax) (Main)
William N. Pennington Life Center
Fallon, Nevada
The William N. Pennington Life Center (formerly Churchill County Senior Center) is located next to the Churchill County Museum on the historical Maine Street. This beautiful $5-million creation is the pinnacle of the community as it boasts an “intergenerational” aspect for Fallon and Churchill County.
For information and current programs and Services offered, please call us at 775-423-7096 or stop and visit us at 952 South Maine Street, Fallon.

We open 8am to 4:30pm weekdays. We serve Soup of the Day at 11am and Lunch is served at 11:30-12:30 each day. This is an opportunity to bring people together from all over the area to socialize, enjoy a hot, delicious, nutritious lunch, sharing in the daily news and weekly activities and events and enjoying each other’s company. Volunteers are a vital part of the operations, providing help in all areas of the Center. Meals On Wheels is more than a meal, delivering a meal each day to those who are unable to come to lunch at the center, for health or mobility reasons. Homebound are provided a daily check to support their independence, which allows many to stay in their own home, avoiding early institutionalization.
Homemakers are available to provide basic housekeeping services, grocery shopping, prescription pick up and transportation to medical appointments to those persons age 60 and over who are unable to perform daily activities and qualify under grant standards.
Nevada Care Connection is our Resource Center that provides assistance to Nevada seniors, age 60 and over, family and caregivers, all persons with a disability and anyone planning for future long term care needs. Our Resource Specialist helps consumers become aware of their choices, empowers them to make informed decisions and facilitates easy access to public and private long-term support and services. In addition to the assessment process, they are assisted with developing a plan for services and identifying and assisting with access and applications for the following, including but not limited to: caregiver support, advocacy and assistance, housing, personal care services, transportation, independent living services, health and medical needs, future planning, employment, recreation and many more.
Call 775-423-7096 to make an appointment with the Resource Specialist.
We have Exercise classes three times a week, Bingo on Tuesdays, and Craft classes, Scrapbooking, and Mexican Dominoes weekly. Stop by and pick up our latest Menu, Activities Calendar and Newsletter to be part of “Generations Joined”.
We would love to show you around our new facility.